The Benefits Of Beta 20Hz and 432Hz Universal Healing Binaural Beats




Universal Healing Frequency 432Hz

Expands Our Hearts And Our Capacity For Love And Compassion

432Hz is considered a superior frequency that has the power to bring you more in harmony with yourself and nature. The sound waves that 432Hz music produces cause an energetic shift that have a strong positive influence on the mind, body, thoughts and spiritual health of the listener and it fills the mind with feelings of peace and well being, regardless of the kind of music being listened to.

Meditating with 432Hz music releases emotional blockages and expands our consciousness to allow us to tune into the divine wisdom of our Soul and the Universe. Tibetan monks tuned their hand instruments and singing bowls to 432Hz.

This special frequency has many mystical associations around our planet and the Universe. It is connected to the numbers used in the construction of sacred places such as The Great Sphinx of Giza, The Great Pyramid of Egypt, Stonehenge, The Great Pyramid of The Sun in Mexico, and many other ancient temples.

  • Musical Healing Powers
  • Enhances Self Love
  • Resonates Inside A Person’s Body
  • Expands Consciousness And Creates Unity
  • Expands Our Hearts And Our Capacity For Love And Compassion
  • Increases Intuition, Insight, Mental Clarity And Creativity
  • Releases Emotional Blockages, Anxiety And Stress
  • Helps Release Serotonin And Endorphins And Keeps Blood Pressure And Heart Rate Stable
  • It Aligns Us To The Heartbeat Of The Planet With The Schumann Resonance 8Hz


Beta 20Hz is the 3rd frequency of the 7 Schumann Resonances and is an energizing frequency. It stimulates the pineal gland, helps with tinnitus and is an adrenal stimulant used on sinus disorders, head colds and headaches. This frequency also triggers the thought center and helps impose subconscious commands on another. In addition it is also a commonly used “cure all” Rife Frequency.


  1. You can purchase and download high quality binaural beats MP3’s to listen to anywhere with your favorite music, meditation, positive affirmations or nature sounds.
  2. We offer royalty free binaural beats that you can use to monetize your own meditations.
  3. Read music license agreement here.


First let’s start by explaining a bit about what brainwave entrainment is and how it works. Brainwave entrainment is the capacity of the brain to naturally synchronize its brainwave frequencies with the rhythm of periodic external stimuli through the use of binaural beats and isochronic tones.

At any given moment in time, your brain produces five different types of brainwaves: Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma and Theta. These electrical signals are are how your brain cells communicate with each other and they measured in Hertz (Hz), which means 1 cycle of per second.

Brainwaves are always in constant fluctuation depending on what you are doing. In short, how you feel changes your brainwaves from moment to moment. However, by using binaural beats and isochronic tones to change your brainwave pattern, you can have control over your mental state and how you feel.


Binaural Beats are a tone created in the brain when two different frequencies are sent into each ear at the same time. The tones are combined together inside your head by your brain, resulting in a pulse called the “binaural beat”. The binaural beat is the subtracted difference between the two frequencies.

For Example: If a 150Hz frequency is presented to your right ear, while a 140Hz frequency is presented to your left ear at the same time, you will perceive a third frequency in addition to the two frequencies that you hear in each ear. This third sound is called a binaural beat and it will have a perceived pitch correlating to a 10Hz alpha brainwave frequency, which is the difference between the 150Hz and 140Hz frequencies presented to each ear. The beat that you hear is actually created inside your head, not externally. This is because your brain creates the beat after working out the differences from each ear.

Binaural beats can be very hypnotic because they induce hemispheric synchronization in the brain much like meditation.

With binaural beats we can take charge of our own consciousness. We can listen to audio that changes our state of mind. Binaural beats are a soft, gentle shift of brainwave state. You should always listen to binaural beats with headphones for the full effect so that each ear can receive a different frequency. If you listen to a binaural beat audio without headphones in most cases you will hardly be able to detect a beat at all because your ears will be able to hear both frequencies at once and the third binaural beat frequency disappears.

Binaural beats are the most popular form of brainwave entrainment because they have been around the longest and have passed the test of time.


  • Alleviate stress and anxiety
  • Increased focus, concentration, and motivation
  • Improved confidence
  • Improves IQ
  • Better long term memory and memory retention
  • Deeper meditation
  • Enhanced performance and mood
  • Promotes healthy sleep


Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma and Theta sound waves are very low in frequency and it is impossible to hear them directly without what is called a “carrier frequency". There is no audible sound below 20Hz and if you want to hear sound between 20Hz and 40Hz you will need to use extremely large and loud speakers.

In order to tap into the energy and sound of low frequency sound waves you need to choose another sound wave whose frequency is reproducible by your speaker and within the audible range.

The frequency of the carrier frequency is independent of the Alpha, Beta, Delta, Gamma or Theta frequencies that need to be turned into sound.

The purpose of the carrier frequency is to transmit the information through space as an electromagnetic wave and into your headphones or speakers.

The majority of the binaural beats in have been created with the ancient Solfeggio Healing Frequencies and the 432Hz Universal Healing Frequency as the carrier frequency because of their superior healing qualities that have been documented since ancient times.


It is important to make sure that you are well hydrated before listening to binaural beats, especially when using the higher Beta and Gamma waves. The brain is composed of approximately 75% water and you need to keep it hydrated before meditations and brainwave entrainment, especially when you are doing things that require a higher level of concentration.

Method: Use Headphones. Binaural Beats require headphones to experience the full effect of the binaural frequency. Find a time and place when you will be free of distractions to clear your mind so that you can relax and connect with your creativity.

You can use binaural beats as often as you like but it takes approximately 21-30 days for a new neural pathway to form. That is when the real results from using brainwave entrainment start occurring.

Daily use literally changes and re-wires the brain to function more optimally because the results are cumulative. New neural pathways are formed, and the brain is trained and exercised to perform better.

Make sure that you set aside enough time to enjoy a full brainwave entrainment session. Usually 15 to 30 minutes are ideal for you to experience the benefits.


Binaural Beats are completely safe for most individuals to use and have been scientifically studied for many decades. However, there are some people who should not listen to them:

  • Do Not Listen if you are driving or operating heavy machinery, because binaural beats can put you into a trance-like state and can risk your personal safety and the safety of others.
  • Do Not Listen if you suffer from deep depression, psychological or mental disorders without the approval of your physician.
  • Do Not Listen if you suffer from heart conditions or have a pacemaker, because any change to heart rhythms due to the change in brain waves can potentially cause a serious condition or situation.
  • Do Not Listen if you suffer from seizures, because it can increase the probability of having a seizure due to the change in brainwave activity.
  • Do Not Listen if you are pregnant, because brainwave entrainment can stimulate labor.
  • Do Not Listen around children, because children have a higher risk of developing seizures or a seizure disorder due to the immaturity of the brain.
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